What is KeepNote
KeepNote is a note taking application that works on Windows, Linux, and MacOS X. With KeepNote, you can store your class notes, TODO lists, research notes, journal entries, paper outlines, etc in a simple notebook hierarchy with rich-text formatting, images, and more. Using full-text search, you can retrieve any note for later reference.
KeepNote is designed to be cross-platform (implemented in Python and PyGTK) and stores your notes in simple and easy to manipulate file formats (HTML and XML). Archiving and transferring your notes is as easy as zipping or copying a folder.
Read more about KeepNote's design philosophy or follow my development ideas on twitter (@mattrasmus).
- Rich-text formatting (e.g. Bullet point lists, Inline images)
- Hierarchical organization for notes
- Web links and note-to-note links
- Full-text search
- Integrated screenshot
- File attachments
- Spell checking (via gtkspell)
- Auto-saving
- Built-in backup and restore (archive to zip files)
- Extensions (i.e. "plugins")
- Cross-platform (Linux, Windows, MacOS X)
2012.03.26 - Released KeepNote 0.7.8
I just released KeepNote 0.7.8. It should have faster startup and save performance compared to version 0.7.7. KeepNote has also been officially submitted to Debian and is now available as a package. Thanks Khalid!
2012.01.01 - Released KeepNote 0.7.7
Happy new year! KeepNote 0.7.7 is now released. Please backup your notebooks whenever you upgrade KeepNote.
2011.11.20 - Released KeepNote 0.7.6
KeepNote 0.7.6 is now released. Please backup your notebooks whenever you upgrade KeepNote. This is especially important if you are a current user of KeepNote 0.7.4, as there is a known issue with using KeeppNote 0.7.4 on newer notebook formats.
See change log for update details. Installation instructions are available in the INSTALL file. The platform independent downloads are known to work for Linux, Windows (XP, Vista), and Mac OS X platforms. The software is licensed under GPL. All versions are also available.
KeepNote is open source. If you like it, you can contribute $10 towards
further development.
Download extensions
There are a growing number of extensions available for KeepNote.
Help me test the next release
I am currently testing out the next version of KeepNote. Try out the latest features and help me fix any remaining bugs by submitting a bug report. As always, please backup your notebooks before using a testing version of KeepNote. All previous testing versions are also available.
Last updated: 2012-07-04 07:40
KeepNote is developed to be cross-platform. It is known to work on the following platforms (but possibly others as well):
- Linux
- Windows (Win2000, XP, Vista)
- Mac OS/X
All dependencies are included for the Windows version of KeepNote.
To use KeepNote on Linux or MacOS X, the following third-party libraries are needed (they are all cross-platform):
On Debian, required packages can be install with this command:
apt-get install python python-gtk2 python-glade2 libgtk2.0-dev libsqlite3-0
Spell checking is enabled with an optional package:
apt-get install python-gnome2-extras aspell aspell-en aspell-XX
where XX is your language if it is not english. Other platforms will probably name their packages similarly.
KeepNote is provided as-is. I only make it available in the hope that someone else will find it useful. If you find any bugs or experience any other problems I would be interested to know. My email is rasmus@alum.mit.edu.